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2008年7月-至今,天津财经大学 管理科学与工程学院 管理信息系统系(其间:2012年10月晋升讲师,2016年10月获得硕士生导师资格,2018年12月晋升副教授)





  1. Jun Wang, Pengwen Hou*. Contracting and advertising for e-commerce platforms with private-effectiveness information.

  2. Jun Wang, Wenkang Ma, Liangjie Xia, Pengwen Hou*. Impacts of supply chain leadership on dynamic pricing under consumer-patience information asymmetry.

  3. Jun Wang, Zhiwen Zhang, Pengwen Hou, Liangjie Xia*. Emission reduction and selling contract in a platform supply chain under asymmetric information.

  4. Pengwen Hou, Hubert Pun,Jun Wang. Platform’s information sharing strategy in a supplier encroachment context with scale economies.http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4206694

  5. Yongjian Li, Qian Zhang,Jun Wang*. Price signal or blockchain technology? Qualityinformation disclosure in dual-channel supply chains.

  6. Yongjian Li, Song Yao,Jun Wang*. Signaling strategies in a low-carbon supply chain with platform encroachment.

  7. Pengwen Hou, Jiajing Li,Jun Wang*. Impact of deferred payment on decisions and coordination in a dual-channel supply chain with a risk-averse retailer.

  8. 鲁馨蔓,姜则帆,李艳霞,王君.数字变革下企业云化转型的三方演化博弈.

  9. 鲁馨蔓,付宇宁,王君,张博欣,李波.投保抑或认证:云平台的安全信息披露策略研究.

  10. 鲁馨蔓,张博欣,王君.云平台的需求信息披露策略研究.

  11. Yating Li, Xinman Lu*, Han Qiao,Jun Wang.Remanufacturing strategy with design for the environment under asymmetric demand information.

  12. LiangjieXia, Kang Li,Jun Wang, Yi Xia, Juanjuan Qin*. Carbon emission reduction and precision marketing decisions of a platform supply chain in the blockchain era.

  13. 夏良杰,顾梦贤,李友东,王君*.考虑持股和需求信息不对称的供应链定价研究.

  14. Liangjie Xia, Mixing Duan,Jun Wang*. Responsible sourcing in supply chains with asymmetric information:The effect of audit.

  15. 王君,张志强,张慧颖,张延.信息不对称下平台销售中的物流服务和制造商入驻合同.

  16. Cui Sun, Zhiqiang Zhang, Liangjie Xia,Jun Wang*. Implications of selling format on product innovation in platform supply chains under asymmetric information.

  17. Jun Wang, Guotai Li, Liangjie Xia, Pengwen Hou. Value of information with platform’s store brand introduction.

  18. Liangjie Xia, Yanru Zhao, Pengwen Hou, Jun Wang. Implications of manufacturer’s direct channel encroachment on retailer’s store brand introduction under asymmetric information.


  1. Jun Wang, Qian Zhang, Pengwen Hou*,Qinghua Li. Effects of platform’s blockchain strategy on brand manufacturer’s distribution strategy in the presence of counterfeits.Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2023, 177: 109028.(ABS2, SCI)

  2. 王君,张倩,侯棚文.质量信息不对称下零售商基于区块链技术的信息揭示策略.管理工程学报, 2023, 37(4): 153-164.

  3. Jun Wang, Song Yao, Xin Wang, Pengwen Hou*, Qian Zhang. Analysis of sales and financing modes in a green platform supply chain with a capital-constrained manufacturer,Kybernetes, 2023, 52(1): 463-491. (ABS, SCI)

  4. Pengwen Hou,Jun Wang*,Qian Zhang, Shuhua Zhang.Implications of risk aversion behavior on the green product promotion strategy under manufacturer encroachment.Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2023,447: 127911.(SCI)

  5. Jun Wang, Qian Zhang, Pengwen Hou*. Combating deceptive counterfeits with blockchain technology under asymmetric information.IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2022,https://doi.org/10.1109/TEM.2022.3223899(ABS3)

  6. Jun Wang, Qian Zhang, Pengwen Hou*. Fixed fee or proportional fee? Contract in platform selling under asymmetric information.International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 2022, 26(2): 245-275. (ABS3)

  7. Jun Wang, Qian Zhang, Pengwen Hou*.Implications of credit default and yield uncertainty on supply chain’s equilibrium financial strategy.Annals of Operations Research, 2022, 315(1): 507-533. (ABS3)

  8. 王君,马闻康,鲁馨蔓.考虑成本信息透明和学习效应的跨期定价策略.中国管理科学,2022.DOI:10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2021.2549.

  9. JunWang, Yu Li, Wenwen Jiang, Yufang Wang*, Shuhua Zhang. Dynamic market share through advertising and loyalty reward programs: A case study of Ofo versus Mobike.RAIRO - Operations Research,2022, 56(5): 3545-3560. (ABS, SCI)

  10. 鲁馨蔓,张博欣,王君,李艳霞.云计算开源生态知识共享及风险治理的演化博弈研究.运筹与管理.2022,31(08):101-108.

  11. Xin Wang, Song Yao,Jun Wang, Yu Li, Baoqin Yu.A study of cooperation between suppliers and e-commerce platforms based on biform game.Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations.2022,20(1): 43. (ABS)

  12. Jun Wang, Rui Ma, Xinman Lu*, Baoqin Yu. Emission reduction cooperation in a dynamic supply chain with competitive retailers.Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2022, 24: 14261-14297. (SCI)

  13. Jun Wang, Qian Zhang, Xinman Lu, Rui Ma, Baoqin Yu*, Huming Gao. Emission reduction and coordination of a dynamic supply chain with green reputation.Operational Research, 2022,22(4): 3945-3988. (ABS, SCI)

  14. 王君,程先学,蒋雨珊,董振敏.碳税政策下考虑参考碳排放的供应链成员行为选择研究.中国管理科学,2021,29(07):128-138.

  15. Baoqin Yu,Jun Wang*, Xinman Lu, Hongtao Yang. Collaboration in a low-carbon supply chain with reference emission and cost learning effects: Cost sharing versus revenue sharing strategies.Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 250: 119460. (ABS2)

  16. 鲁馨蔓*,李艳霞,王君,余思勤.云服务供应链技术创新与动态定价的微分博弈分析.运筹与管理,2020, 29(06): 49-57.

  17. 黄瑞芬,孙俊凤,王君*.碳限额与交易机制下受资金约束的供应链优化.运筹与管理,2020,29(06): 82-89.

  18. Xinman Lu, Yijing Xie,Jun Wang*, Song Yao. Patent Labeling and Cooperation in a Cloud Service Supply Chain.IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 74326-74338.(SCI& SSCI)

  19. Jun Wang*, Song Yao, Jiachuan Sheng, Hongtao Yang. Minimizing total carbon emissions in an integrated machine scheduling and vehicle routing problem.Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 229: 1004-1017. (ABS2)

  20. Jun Wang, Song Yao, Xinman Lu, Yu Li*. Organic food labeling and advertising: A tripartite game model between one supplier and two heterogeneous manufacturers.Complexity, 2019, Article ID 3143416. (SCI)

  21. Jun Wang, Xianxue Cheng, XinyuWang, Hongtao Yang, Shuhua Zhang*. Myopic versus farsighted behaviors in a low-carbon supply chain with reference emission effects.Complexity, 2019, Article ID 3123572. (SCI & SSCI)

  22. Jun Wang, Xianxue Cheng, Shuhua Zhang*. Low carbon distribution channel coordination with a capital-constrained retailer.Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2018, Article ID 9579348. (SCI)

  23. 王君.分时电价和时变行程时间下的供应链调度.中国机械工程,2018, 29(22):2750-2757.

  24. 鲁馨蔓,王君,姚松,李艳霞.基于竞合博弈的云服务供应链合作与技术创新决策.软科学, 2018(11):39-43.

  25. 王君.最小化碳排放的可持续机器调度问题.控制与决策, 2017, 32(6):1063-1068.

  26. 王君.单机生产排序问题的可持续性优化.工业工程与管理,2017, 22(3):55-61.

  27. 王君.考虑碳排放的多机可持续调度问题.运筹与管理, 2017(8):187-192.

  28. 蒋大奎,王君.考虑交货期约束的平行机供应链排序问题.计算机应用研究,2016,06:1686-1688.

  29. 王君.模糊时间窗VRP的动态规划和禁忌搜索混合算法.计算机工程与应用,2014, 50 (24): 58-64.

  30. 王君,李波.基于多目标优化的模糊需求VRPTW动态管理.管理学报, 2013,10(2):238-243.

  31. 王君.带时间窗车辆路径问题的多目标文化基因算法.计算机工程与科学,2013,35(1):124-129.

  32. 王君.带时间窗车辆路径问题的差分进化混合算法.计算机工程与应用,2013,49(2):24-28.

  33. 王君.鲁棒多目标线性规划模型及混合遗传算法.计算机应用研究, 2013,30(9):2633-2636.

  34. 王君,李波,卢志刚.带时间窗动态车辆路径问题的优化调度策略.计算机工程, 2012,38 (13):137-141.

  35. 王君,李波.带时间窗车辆路径问题的文化基因算法.计算机工程与应用, 2012,48(7):26-29.

  36. 王君,李波.带模糊预约时间的车辆路径问题的多目标禁忌搜索算法.计算机集成制造系统, 2011, 17(04): 858-866.


  1. 信息不对称下平台供应链渠道入侵与反入侵策略研究,教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目,2022-2025,主持。

  2. 低碳政策下供应链系统的可持续性决策,天津市哲学社会科学规划项目,2016-2019,主持。

  3. 科技创新引领产业升级:滨海新区战略性新兴产业的发展路径,天津市科技发展战略研究计划项目,省部级,2013-2015,主持。

  4. 加快产业结构优化升级的研究,天津市重点调研课题,省部级,2014.5-2014.11,主持。

  5. 基于契约机制的云服务供应链风险治理研究,教育部人文社科项目,2017-2020,参与。

  6. 我国青年网民价值观实证研究,全国教育科学规划项目,2015-2019,参与。


  1. 《不确定因素下物流配送车辆路径规划问题的建模及优化方法》,专著,2014.12,中国财富出版社.

  2. 《低碳政策下供应链系统的可持续性决策》,专著,2018.8,中国财富出版社.


  3. 2013年11月,入选天津市“131”创新型人才第三层次。

  4. 2021年12月,天津市精益管理创新学会2021年电商与物流企业管理创新实践优秀论文。









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